This procedure sets out how a student, parent, caregiver or member of the community can ask a question, raise a concern or make a complaint where normal day-to-day interaction prevents this or makes it difficult.
Responsibility for this Procedure
This procedure is implemented under the Principal’s day to day responsibilities. The Principal is responsible for ensuring that this procedure is known within the community and supported/implemented within the school.
Basis of this Procedure
This procedure is based on the stated willingness of the school to receive ideas, feedback and complaints from our students, their families and our community. The school will not only aim to put things right, but we will also make improvements for the future.
The school’s preference is for people to signal potential issues early (e.g. ask questions or raise concerns) and to bring issues to the school promptly so they can be addressed. We’ve included a diagram below to help you with submitting your questions, concerns and complaints.
Updated: 11 January 2021